In our clinic, we perform a wide range of dental surgical interventions using high-quality equipment including NSK implant motor, piezosurgery unit and dental laser. As a result, procedures are conducted gently with short healing time. All the surgical interventions are performed under local anesthetics (or also analgesic sedation) and are absolutely painless.

A range of conducted surgery interventions includes:

  • Tooth extraction for orthodontic reasons
  • Complicated cases of third molar extraction
  • Hemi-extraction (removal of only affected part of the tooth, e.g. one root)
  • Apicoectomy (root end surgery)
  • Bone and soft tissue remodeling
  • Bone augmentation procedures
  • Frenuloplasty
  • Vestibuloplasty
  • Compact-osteotomy
  • Implant placing (Alpha Bio, Camlog, Straumann, Nobel Biocare, Axis)