The neuromuscular aproach towards interdisciplinary approach in medicine

The contemporary approach of dentistry towards interdisciplinary cooperation is based on the neuromuscular concept. In recent years many authors have pointed out a correlation between orthopaedic and dental findings. Furthermore, there is an intimate biomechanical interrelationship of occlusion with cerebral fluid circulation, left and right equilibrium, gaze stabilisation and headache. The influence of a dental occlusion and temporomandibular joint (TMJ) status on general health has been widely analysed in the current scientific literature. This study was based on a review of 41 sources, including specialised articles and books. The significance of different anatomical and physiological preconditions (occlusion, muscles and TMJ status) was considered and evaluated separately. However, as a result of modern concepts of general body health, extending cooperation between different fields of medicine is essential. The practical application of the principles of neuromuscular dentistry enables one to increase greatly the treatment efficiency of aches in muscles, headaches, postural dysfunctions as well as of many other diseases. However, the dentist’s contribution to the development of an interdisciplinary approach is underestimated. Many theoretical aspects of the interdisciplinary relationship have not been sufficiently examined, hence the practical consequences remain unclear. Further research in the field is urgently needed.
Yurchenko M, Hubálková H, Klepáček I, Machoň V, Mazánek J.
International Dental Journal 2014 Feb; 64(1):12-9