CRANIO®, The Journal of Craniomandibular & Sleep Practice, August 2021

Nowadays, connections can often be found between the pathology of chewing muscles and the dysfunction of the temporomandibular joint, moreover, according to some researchers, this connection is evident in 82-90 % cases of TMJ disorders. The dystonia of the orofacial muscles is considered a key element of a pathogenetic chain in the extracapsular pathology of TMJ. Nonetheless, in case of intracapsular disorders, the examination of the role of different muscle groups appears to be much more important, though not that evident.

The aim of current research was to discover the extent of the connection between occlusal plane asymmetry and the intracapsular pathology of the temporomandibular joint as well as the verification of the link between the at rest tone of the 4 muscle groups of the orofacial region (m. masseter, m. temporalis, m. digastricus a m. sternocleidomastoideus) with the occlusal plane inclination in the frontal projection.
