+420 731 832 518 +420 777 717 618

Openning hours

Mon - Thu

8:00 - 20:00


8:00 - 15:00


8:00 - 14:00

We offer you


Maxim Jurčenko - Kvalident

Jakub Zevel

This clinic has helped us a lot today, thanks to their approach and professionalism we managed to solve a multi-year problem with a patient with autism and intellectual disability.

Irina Černá

Hello, I would like to thank Dr. Eugenia Kim for her professional approach. I have heightened sensitivity and bad experiences in the past. The doctor explained everything to me, was careful, and accommodated my requests. During… Learn more


I would like to express my gratitude to Dr. Maxi Jurcenko for the excellent procedures performed, and for his professional, human, empathetic and kind approach, and patience. I really appreciate the excellent professionalism of the doctor!… Learn more

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Our team

Our modern


Dental Microscope

Carl Zeiss OPMI Pico

In our clinic we use the latest microscopes produced by Carl Ziess.



Piezosurgery is a modern technique which brings new standards in painless bone surgery.

The Wand


The American equipment The Wand is a computer-operated system for local anaesthesia.

Mikroskop zeiss Piezochirurgický přístroj Počítačová anestezie